Medicine Delivery
Consult Doctors
Health Locker
Family's Health
Our Competitive Advantage

Transparency in Services

Independent Usability

Cloud Based Architecture

Your Ultimate Healthcare Assistant

Instantly connect with verified Doctors online

Get instant doorstep delivery from your nearby Pharmacy

Earn exclusive rewards and avail special discounts on Orders

Easily access your medical history at anytime

Track and monitor your entire family’s health on one device
How It Works
To Order Medicines
Select a Nearby Pharmacy

Add Medicines
To Consult a Doctor
Select a Doctor
Online Reports
Our Partners

Let’s Transform Healthcare


Medicine Delivery
Consult Doctors
Health Locker
Family's Health
Our Competitive Advantage

Transparency in Services

Independent Usability

Cloud Based Architecture

Your Ultimate Healthcare Assistant

Instantly connect with verified Doctors online

Get instant doorstep delivery from your nearby Pharmacy

Earn exclusive rewards and avail special discounts on Orders

Easily access your medical history at anytime

Track and monitor your entire family’s health on one device
How It Works
To Order Medicines
Select a Nearby Pharmacy

Add Medicines

To Consult a Doctor
Select a Doctor


Online Reports
Our Partners

Let’s Transform Healthcare


Our Competitive Advantage

Transparency in Services

Independent Usability

Cloud Based Architecture
Your Ultimate Healthcare Assistant

Instantly connect with verified Doctors online
Get instant doorstep delivery from your nearby Pharmacy.
Earn exclusive rewards and avail special discounts on Orders
Easily access your medical history at anytime
Track and monitor your entire family’s health on one device
How It Works
To Order Medicines
Select a Nearby Pharmacy
View nearby Pharmacies and click on “Add Order” against the Pharmacy you wish to place an order to.

Add Medicines
Add a Referring Doctor & add the desired medicines along with their quantities by clicking on "Add Medicine".

Click on "Upload Document" to attach a prescription and place your order. You will be notified once the order has been processed.
To Consult a Doctor
Select a Doctor
View nearby Doctors and click on “Consult” against the Doctor you wish to consult. Select your preferred date and time of the consultation.

Upon confirmation, connect with the Doctor via WhatsApp chat or call for an online consultation or visit the Doctor at the clinic.

Online Reports
Your medical records will be added to your "Medical History" once ready. You can also access these medical records on your mobile, during follow-up consultations.
Our Partners

Let’s Transform Healthcare
"As a sportsperson who suffered a long term knee injury, keeping track of different tests and reports was extremely tedious. Medify took care of this hassle for me, as now I can access all of my medical files on my phone, anytime I need them."
Kabir BajajI moved to Mumbai from Ahmedabad recently. With my pregnancy, it was essential for me to get good quality healthcare and constant medical guidance. Medify was the solution to all these needs, as it helped me in locating all the right providers, from pharmacies that delivered all the essentials to my doorstep to doctors who provided online consultations whenever I wasn't able to visit them in person.
Mosam ShahI am so glad I found Medify at the right time! I have a high risk of infection and so I was confined to my home all day during the lockdown. Medify came to my rescue when I needed to stock up on my medicines. It's easy to use, reliable, and perfect for people like me who can no longer get out of the house to run errands.
Lakshita Ratnani